Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents aged 16-25 years old.
Full-time NUS/NTU undergraduate students.
Demonstrate financial need: a household per capita income of SGD 1725.00 and below or where combined household income does not exceed SGD 6900.00 (gross) per month. Deserving students who fall out of the eligibility criteria due to exceptional family circumstances (for example, those with family members who have high medical expenses), may be considered.
Demonstrates interest, dedication and commitment in serving the community. Has actively participated in community work in at least the last 1 year.
Made satisfactory progress towards completion of his/her academic programme, for those applying for Bursary renewal.
Each Bursary Award is tenable for one year only.
Recipients may re-apply to be considered for the Bursary Award in their subsequent year of studies, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria.
Recipient must declare any other financial aid they are holding or applying for in the application form.
Each application will be reviewed on a case-by case basis. The final decision for each application is subject to sole discretion of Every Nation Church (Singapore) (ENCS). ENCS reserves the right to withhold the reasons behind the approval/disapproval of each application.
ENCS reserves the right to impose repayment on a case-by-case basis e.g. due to fraudulent declarations.
The Bursary Award must be refunded in part or in full for the semester unattended if student withdraws / is terminated from studies.